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07.06.2005, 21:00
Ich weiss nicht ob ihr es kennt, aber da OKW intern so viel geschrei drum gemacht wird, poste ich es mal hier.

(Man beachte §19)

1: Membership in the HC is voluntary and is open to players who are willing to follow its rules, obey its senior members, and apply its policies in game. Qualifications are maturity, experience with the game, the ability to organize and lead others, and the ability to put aside your personal time for the enjoyment of your fellow player. Membership in HC does not come automatically with a subscription; participation in the High Commands is granted or revoked at the discretion of the senior HC staff.

2: HC staff will not attempt to force other players to follow their orders. They have authority only over players who are members of the HC, and players who have acknowledged their willingness to participate in its plans.

3: HC staff will not engage in rudeness or other insulting exchanges on forums or in game. Rants, flames or whines are not allowed while you represent HC, and public complaints about the game or CRS is incompatible with membership. HC Staff shall utilize the Chain of Command in reporting complaints on the game or CRS. HC Staff shall be positive in public, and not post in a way that would lower the morale of their community.

4: HC staffs are ambassadors of CRS, The rest of the gaming public will be looking for your example and assistance. You will provide it, treating all members of the community with the utmost respect and cordiality.

5: HC Staff will not fraternize with enemy HQ staff or officers while holding office in this HC. Personal relationships with enemy officers are to be pursued in private, and not during the conduct of [un]official duties. Officers on leave of absence may play the other side with the approval of the Commander in Chief. The time away shall not exceed two days due to the fact that officers are community members who have stepped up to lead the community. When playing the other side they are unable to fulfill the obligations that they volunteered to do.

5.5: Working with enemy officers to assist in the capture of griefers and prohibited game play is authorized on a case per case basis. Senior commanders both Allied and Axis are expected to have open lines of communication with each other to enhance the game play for all players under the leadership of the High commands.

5.6: Commanders may work with Commanders on the other side to enhance the game. Planning events like captures and rescues, convoys, etc are allowed long as it is in a professional way and that it does not impact the operation of their team on the field.

6: HC Staff will treat each other professionally, as fellow officers, with all the respect that this implies. Remember that your subordinate could end up being your superior. Infighting and disagreements are to be expected, but are never to be conducted in public. Personality clashes that become disruptive will be dealt with in the harshest terms possible, namely summary dismissal of both parties. Disagreements with 0fficial HC policy is to be done in private, in the restricted forums reserved for such discussion. Prior to a decision being made discussion is welcome, after the decision is made all officers will give a united image in public. To publicly disagree with HC policy is reason for termination.

7: HC Staff will be held accountable for their actions, in game and out. Misconduct could result in summary dismissal at the discretion of the Commander in Chief, or his appointed disciplinary officer (by default the Chief of Staff). Disciplinary action can range from recorded verbal warning, disciplinary transfer, demotion or full dismissal from the HC. When disciplinary action is taken a memo should be sent to the Chain of Command over the commander and the Community Manager to inform them of the action taken and why the action was taken.

8: The Commander in Chief is responsible for the effective conduct of HC business, both in game and out. The Commander in Chief answers to the CRS Community Manager. All HC staff is to channel their communications to the Community Manager through the Commander in Chief. The Commander in Chief is the final decision maker. Once the CinC makes a decision the staff will back that decision. Concerns maybe emailed to the CinC but will not be made public.

9: HC Officers must follow the 0fficial chain of command, and carry out the instructions of senior officers, to the best of their ability. If unable to carry out orders or duties the officer will delegate the task to subordinate officers in the chain of command. High commanders must deliver for their players. If you are unable to deliver and provide your players adequate leadership and or representation then you must step down making way for others behind you who can.

9.5: Leave of absence. It is understood that real life must come first. In the event an officer must be away tending to real life issues. Then it is the officer’s responsibility, as soon as reasonably possible to inform your CinC and the commander directly up the chain of command. Leave of absence lasting more than two weeks the CinC should consider a replacement unless special circumstances warrant an extension given only by the CinC. After one month of not being in the game the commander will be automatically removed from their position. When they return they may take an open position at the lowest level and work their way back up the ladder. The HC is responsible for providing leadership to their team. Absent commanders do no good for anyone and raise the work of others. No approval will be allowed for more than 30 days out of the game.

9.6: The Commander in Chief may not be absent from the game more than 72 hours without notice to their Chief of Staff and the Community Manager. In the event that more time is needed, it will be granted up to two weeks away from the game if previous communication is made.

10: Brigade COs and XOs may belong to a squad, and keep their squad duties as long as they can carry out their HC duties as well. Commanding Officers of brigade/KG level will not place their squad’s interests before their HC duties. They must be able to manage both. Some Brigades/Kampfgruppes have multiple squads, and players who are not in squads attached to them. They all must be equally taken care of.

11: As such, HC Officers above Brigade/Kampfgruppe Commander must temporarily drop squad responsibilities in order to be eligible for promotion, and for the duration of service in HC. Senior officers cannot represent both the interests of HC and a squad at the same time. Squad structures and command lines do not supercede HC organization and protocol.

12: Promotion is based on merit and time spent in the HC. An officer can be promoted a maximum of 2 ranks in a single promotional event, but this is rare and only done when exceptional need or ability is demonstrated. Promotions are approved at the senior command level (branch commanders and up). All promotions are done at the discretion of the Commander in Chief, and his appointed representatives. An Officer can transfer to another branch of the armed forces, at the discretion of the senior staff and at the officer’s request. Rank and position in the new branch will be specified by need, ability, and the command staff (namely the CinC, Cos and Dcos. All officers start at the bottom and work their way up. No placement of people is allowed within the organization.
Players must be an active member of a unit for 90 days prior to them being given a position in the unit as a commander. They must have time to earn the respect of the members in the unit and time should be given to allow the bond to be made between the player and the other members of the unit prior to them taking on a role as a commander in the unit.

13: An officer cannot hold more than one position in the HC at any time. Officers below division level may aide with the trainers or public relations office long as it does not impact the quality of their leadership within their unit.

14: In order to be eligible for membership in the HC, officers must demonstrate ability and commitment through a training program that will prepare them for Brigade/Kampfgruppe Command. This training program is mandatory and is a pre-requisite for entry into the bottom rung of the HC, as a Lt Colonel, and deputy to a Brigade/Squadron/Flot Commander. Training is conducted by the training staff of the HC.

15: Term limits will be imposed in two categories. CinC and those refusing promotion. CinC’s are limited to a four-month term. This promotes healthy forward movement of all officers below that position. Those refusing promotion may only refuse twice. A third rejection of promotion will result in immediate retirement of that officer.

In the event that no officer is available to promote into the position opened by the termination of the third term officer, the Senior Command can approve him to stay for another, or subsequent term(s).

16: All High command communication vehicles will be managed by the Senior Staff of the High commands. This is the CinC, Cos and Dcos. This includes websites, forums and in game editable content. They are in charge and mandated to deliver fresh content and information as needed maximizing the effectiveness of the officers below them.

17: Fallback and Hold at all Cost dot commands will be the responsibility of the officer that is in command of the city. They will make all judgment calls on what action is needed is the responsibility of the officer on the ground at the city needing the action. All other officers are expected to respect their wishes and grant the action they request.

18: The .hc channel is for command purpose only. Disrespectful communication or other communication not in the best interest of the team is forbidden. Lower command communication should take place on their in game command channels.

19: The use of .axis/.allied commands are to be used to promote the units of the command. Each use must have in them the unit requesting help, who the oic is, what spawn point, and what channel they are on. Statements of encouragement are allowed by the Branch Commander or higher. The use of emergency terms (911, ALL, NOW, etc) are forbidden. Misuse of this tool can result in a 24hour ban from the toolset for the first violation, and a permanent ban from the toolset for the second violation. If the violation is judged to be severe enough or against the TOS, the user can lose their account (determined by the Community Manager).

20: Failure of a commander to enforce these articles on those below them is a violation of these article and may result in the termination of their position within the role they serve in.

07.06.2005, 21:43
>The use of emergency terms (911, ALL, NOW, etc) are forbidden. Misuse of this tool can result in a 24hour ban from the toolset for the first violation, and a permanent ban from the toolset for the second violation.

Wat soll denn dat? Von welchem Mißbrauch reden die denn da?

.axis Alle hier her und verteidigen
.axis 911 Antwerp ch 65

so sachen eben

08.06.2005, 11:20
zuviel engl ,kann dat ma einer übersetzen?

08.06.2005, 12:07
learn how to speak English:-)

08.06.2005, 12:15
ich wills ja net sprechen sondern lesen :wink:
aber dat is ja fast nen roman und da verlier ich schnell die lust wenn ich dat auch noch übersetzen muss.
hatte vor kurzem noch powertranslator hab ihn aber gelöscht :cry:

08.06.2005, 12:41
da nimm doch den google-power-translator.

08.06.2005, 17:28
sry Sven hab mich verklickt :D

Bin auf edit statt auf zitat gekommen :D

Der Sinn bleibt aber der selbe :D

09.06.2005, 23:40
Die spinnen die Römer! Ich kann ja verstehen, dass "ALLE NACH X" im Sinne einer Gesamt-Front u.U. kontraproduktiv sind, aber gut gemachte .axis machen doch viel Sinn. Nen bißchen Spass und Motivation muss sein.

Okie hat in letzter Zeit immer lustige Sprüche bei seinen .axis. Gefällt mir. Ist dat jetzt auch verboten?

10.06.2005, 07:51
ja sven......es darf nur noch nach einem bestimmten Muster geschrieben werden.

also dinge wie Sapper needed bla bla wird es nimmer geben

sieht also dann nen bissl statisch aus

10.06.2005, 08:17
wird auch zeit. also ich fand die .axis einfach müll in letzter Zeit.

für mich ist eine .axis was besonderes wo sich andere leute orientieren können vor allem neue oder lonewolfs und für nichts anderes.
und da sollte nun mal nur kommen target kanal oic sammelpkt. und für nen FB run ne .axismeldung ist einfach fehl am platze. bräuchte mann auch nicht wenn mann wieder mal die truppen einzeln einsetzt und nicht als 1 Armee.
aber das bedeuted jetzt ne menge arbeit für die, weil das einfach keiner mehr gewohnt ist.

10.06.2005, 08:58
Alle Mann in Deckung, Schreibtischtäter an der Macht!

10.06.2005, 09:31
aber was mir so mal einfällt, das ding gibt es doch schon immer.
oder nicht? ok wurde evtl.angepasst aber so einen COC gibts schon seit ewig.
und als sich da noch alle dran gehalten hatten war das game auch noch eine simulation gewesen.

es wurde schon vor einem jahr (oder zwei ka. ) schon immer gesagt die .axis meldung darf ich nicht machen usw. usw.

10.06.2005, 19:22
Schon Jenne, aber mit Sicht auf 1.19 und die Verkaufsversion legen die Ratten großen Wert darauf, dass damit kein Unfug getrieben wird.