Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Wie ist der neue Pat

23.07.2004, 00:41
Erzaehlt mal leuet wie isn der neue Patch ?

Taugen die Panzerbüchsen was oder wieder für die Tonne wie am anfang vom grenadier?

irgendwas an der performance soll sich geaendert haben, wie siehts mit den FPS aus?

23.07.2004, 08:08
Hi Joker alde Radde :P

Also die Pansabüchsen haben nen üblen Rückschlag,das ganze Teil verspringt nach jedem Schuss.Früher hättest nach jedem Schuss wohl nen neuen Schützen gebraucht weil seine Schulter hin ist :roll:
Auf Pansa hab ich noch nit geschossen,weil jeder gestern mit dem Teil rumgerannt ist und wild in der Gegend rumgeballert hat.
Ich denke du kannst damit wunderbar EI wegballern aus bis zu 400m wenn er steht.
FPS---keine Ahnung hab die Anzeige immer aus,also hab ich keinen Vergleich :)
Gibt ne Menge Leute die nach dem Patch ewige CTDs haben.Sollte aber mit nem Hotfix gefixt worden sein.

23.07.2004, 08:21
Hier noch nen Kommentar von Icetwep zum DD nachdem Patch

5" Shell:

Almost the very minute the patch was up I sailed along with another British DD towards Den Haag.

The 2 of us engaged 1 lone KM DD there.

The amount of times we hit him were incredible.....way more than even the damage model we had before the patch.

We hit him everywhere and I mean everywhere. Bow, Stern, Port, Starboard, low in the waterline, high in the waterline......everywhere.

He didn't even catch fire much less sink. He despawned and I think the only reason he despawned was he was out of ammo.

Whatever you guys did to the 5" Naval Shell it didn't work.

Nothing short of a pocket Battleship could have taken that pounding from 2 DDs and been anything other than scrap metal or on the bottom.

The 2 of us hit him so many times, from so many angles, we were actually getting bored with "even trying to sink him".

Kill Model:

Doesn't work as you described earlier.

That KM ship was the only ship on the water. I RTB'd to port with front 5" guns operational and 37mm guns operational.

I did lose both torp tubes and both 20mm guns.

I had no list or floatation damage at all that I could detect in any way. I sailed all the way back from Den Haag at the full speed of 36.5 knots and RTB'd no problem.

Yet the lone KM DD got a kill/crit-damage on me (and the other guy too). Sounds like very little has changed in the kill model.

(Note also that neither Brit DD got a kill of any type on the guy although I can see where this is possible but the kill on me is not possible according to your previous words.)

Now what.?

Can you explain what you did, or did not do, here because in my opinion the Naval game just got worse and not better.

Until we see a Submarine....
Vice Admiral Icetwp
Royal Navy
Royal Navy Deputy Commander

24.07.2004, 15:44
Sniper übersetzmal *g* ;)

24.07.2004, 16:41
Grob übersetzt heisst das mit den DDs....Das ist immernoch genau so scheisse wie vor dem Patch,wenn nichtsogar noch beschissener. :shock:

25.07.2004, 10:58
na super :cry: